Desiderio - Corpo - Riconoscimento nella produzione di Judith Butler


  • Mara Montanaro
  • Marisa Forcina


Desire, body and recognition is a reconstruction of a speculative horizon that shows Judith Butler’s concept of desire. I start describing a series of recaptures and displacements of this philosophical trope (the desire) which is a key concept in the productions of those maitres à penser whose Judith Butler has a confrontation- from Kojeve to Lacan and Deleuze. She shows how Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit is the very starting point of her cogitation.
Then I analyze the whole Butler’s works and I describe the deep relation  between the American philosopher and Hegel.
My research will pose two main questions: what’s the relationship between desire and recognition?
What is the behaviour of the constitution subject with regard a revolution about alterity?
The introduction of this argument goes through the Butler’s work and it shows how Judith Butler has been pausing to reflect about relation and interdependence between the subjects as the possibility of liberation from world’s destructivity founded on nationalism, on war, on division between the deserved’s life to be lived and life that doesn’t deserve this recognition.

Keywords: desire, recognition, body, differènce sexuelle, sex/gender,
Parole chiave: desiderio, riconoscimento, corpo, differènce, sesso/genere




