About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The main purpose of De Europa is to address the current state of European integration faced with the resurgence of nationalism, which seemed to have been defeated after the Second World War, and Euroscepticism, and to extend scientific research on Europe aimed at stressing the reasons underlying its integration.

To this end, the journal is multidisciplinary in nature and include contributions from different disciplines in order to embrace the complexity and richness of Europe.

Articles are published in one of the journal’s four languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish. Two issues will come out annually, that may be supplemented with special issues. Theme-based issues will alternate with open issues.

Peer Review Process

Papers submitted will undergo a process of double-blind review before being accepted for publication. Both the editorial board and the scientific committee are open to further contributions from scholars interested in this project.

Every proposal submitted for publication is read at least by an editor, for an initial review. If the paper agrees with editorial policies and with a minimum quality level, is sent to two reviewers for evaluation. De Europa uses a double blind peer review.

The review process aims to provide authors with a competent opinion on their paper. A review should give authors suggestions, if needed, on how to improve their papers.

The peer-review process is managed with the OJS platform.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content, believing that making research freely available to the public improves the exchange of knowledge.

De Europa
is an Open Access Journal, free of charge for authors and readers.

De Europa is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

With the licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, distribute and/or copy their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author.

It is not necessary to ask further permissions both to author or journal board.

Publication timeline

De Europa respects the publication timeline shown below in managing editorial workflow:

  • First editorial review, by an editor at least, with consequent rejection or peer reviiew assignment (within 4 weeks after submission);
  • First round of peer review (within 8 weeks after the assignment to the reviewers);
  • Communication to the author (within 12 weeks after the submission);
  • Author's modifications of the paper (within 6 weeks after editor's request);
  • Last editorial decision (within 2 weeks after modifications received).

Publication Frequency

De Europa publishes one volume in two biannual issues, in June and December.


De Europa utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.

Code of Ethics

De Europa is committed to the highest publication standards. The prevention of publication malpractice is one of the important responsibilities of the editorial board. The Code describes “De Europa”’s policies for ensuring the ethical treatment of all participants in the peer review and publication process. “De Europa” Editors, Guest Editors, Reviewers and Authors are encouraged to study these guidelines and address any questions or concerns to the editorial team (redazione.deeuropa@unito.it).

These guidelines apply to all manuscripts submitted to “De Europa”, and may be revised at any time by the Editor-in-Chief and the Board. The following duties outlined for editors, authors, and reviewers are based on the Core Practices.

Duties of Editor in Chief (Editor) and Guest Editor(s)

Editor/Guest Editor(s) are responsible for the content of the journal and for ensuring the integrity of all work that is published in it.

  • Publication Decisions: The Editor/Guest Editor(s) have the right to make the final decision on whether to accept or reject a manuscript with reference to the significance, originality, and clarity of the manuscript and its relevance to the journal.
  • Review of Manuscripts: “De Europa” follows a double-blind review process, whereby Authors do not know Reviewers and vice versa. The Editor/Guest Editor(s) are responsible for securing timely, independent and anonymous peer review from suitably qualified reviewers who have no disqualifying competing interests, of all manuscripts submitted to the journal. The Editor/Guest Editor(s) are responsible for ensuring that the journal has access to an adequate number of competent reviewers. Reviewers will be acknowledged by the journal at the end of each year. Reviewers’ list is public, on the journal website.
  • Fair Review: The Editor/Guest Editor(s) and their editorial staff must ensure that each manuscript received by “De Europa” is reviewed for its intellectual content without regard to sex, gender, race, religion, citizenship, etc. of the authors.
  • Confidentiality of submitted material: The Editor/Guest Editor(s) and the editorial staff will ensure that systems are in place to ensure the confidentiality and protection from misuse of material submitted to the journal while under review and the protection of authors’ and reviewers’ identities and will themselves take all reasonable steps to preserve the confidentiality of authors’ and reviewers’ identities.
  • Disclosure: The Editor/Guest Editor(s) should ensure that submitted manuscripts are processed in a confidential manner, and that no content of the manuscripts will be disclosed to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, as appropriate.
  • Conflicts of Interest: The Editor/Guest Editor(s) should excuse themselves from considering a manuscript in which they have a real or potential conflict of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, financial or other relationships or connections with any of the Authors, companies or institutions connected to the manuscript.
  • Authority: The Editor in Chief must have ultimate authority and responsibility for the Journal. The Editor-in-Chief should respect the Journal’s constituents (Readers, Authors, Reviewers, Guest Editors, Editorial Staff), and work to ensure the honesty and integrity of the Journal’s contents and continuous improvement in journal quality.

Duties of reviewers

  • Fair reviews: Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts objectively, fairly and professionally. Reviewers should avoid personal biases in their comments and judgments and they should express their views clearly with supporting arguments. Reviewers must provide substantiated and fair reviews. These must avoid personal attack, and not include any material that is defamatory, inaccurate, libellous, misleading, obscene, scandalous, unlawful, or otherwise objectionable, or that infringes any other person’s copyright, right of privacy, or other rights.
  • Confidentiality: Information regarding manuscripts submitted by authors should be kept confidential and be treated as privileged information. Reviewers should not discuss the manuscript with anyone other than the Editor/Guest Editor(s), nor should they discuss any information from the manuscript without permission.
  • Acknowledgement of Sources: Manuscript reviewers must ensure that authors have acknowledged all sources of data used in the research. Any kind of similarity or overlap between the manuscripts under consideration or with any other published paper of which reviewer has personal knowledge must be immediately brought to the Editor/Guest Editor(s)’s notice.
  • Timeliness: In the event that a reviewer feels it is not possible for him/her to complete review of manuscript within stipulated time then this information must be communicated to the Editor/Guest Editor, so that the manuscript could be sent to another reviewer.
  • Right of refusal: Reviewers should refuse to review manuscripts: a) where they have provided written comments on the manuscript or an earlier version to the Author, b) in which they have any conflicts of interest resulting from collaborative, financial, institutional, personal, or other relationships or connections with any of the companies, institutions, or people connected to the papers.
  • Complain: Any complaint relating to the journal should, in the first instance be directed towards the Editor-in-Chief of “De Europa”.

Duties of Authors

  • Originality: Authors must ensure that no part of their work is copied from any other work, either authored by themselves or others and that the work is original and has not previously been published in whole or substantial part. The author should not submit concurrent manuscripts (or manuscripts essentially describing the same subject matter) to multiple journals.
  • Authorship of the Paper: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to conception, design, execution or interpretation of the reported study. Others who have made significant contribution must be listed as co-authors. The author should ensure that all co-authors have affirmed the final version of the paper and have agreed on its final publication.
  • Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism: All work in the manuscript should be free of any plagiarism, falsification, fabrications, or omission of significant material. Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism constitute unethical publishing behaviour and are unacceptable. “De Europa” reserves the right to evaluate issues of plagiarism and redundancy on a case-by-case basis.
  • Acknowledgement of Sources and Conflict(s) of interests: The author should indicate explicitly all sources that have supported the research and also declare any conflict(s) of interest.
  • Data Access and Retention: The author should provide raw data related to their manuscript for editorial review and must retain such data.
  • Timeliness: Authors should be prompt with their manuscript revisions. If an Author cannot meet the deadline given, the Author should contact the “De Europa” Managing Editor as soon as possible to determine whether a longer time period or withdrawal from the review process should be chosen.
  • Fundamental Errors in Published Works: The author should promptly inform the Editor/Guest Editor(s) of any obvious error(s) in his or her published paper and cooperate earnestly with the Editor-in-Chief in retraction or correction of the paper. If the Editor-in-Chief is notified by any party other than the author that the published paper contains an obvious error, the author should write a retraction or make the correction based on the medium of publication.

This Code of Ethics draws heavily from the following on-line source, which is recommended reading on ethical guidelines:


Why start a new journal? The European Union at risk of collapsing

Within the international publishing scenario, there is no shortage of journals on Europe. So why start a new one?

First of all, I expressed my intention to publish a journal on Europe as one of the initiatives foreseen in application of the Jean Monnet Chair at the University of Turin; and thanks to this financing the journal is now being published. The main purpose of a new journal on Europe is to address the current state of European integration. A cultural effort is required in this problematic, unclear scenario so we can redefine and revitalise the underlying reasons for unification.

Europe has been experiencing a crisis for a long time now, a crisis that not only concerns the economy and migration, but that is mainly existential, affecting the very nature of the European Union (EU), its ubi consistam, its aims.

This crisis has been manifesting itself blatantly through the spread of Eurosceptic and nationalist movements, which in some cases even call for exiting the single currency, if not the EU itself. In its nearly seventy-year history, the EU has got far stronger, although without ever reaching the point of no return. However, more than ever before, it has had to face such incredible difficulties and challenges that have put its very existence and the results achieved by integration (in particular peace, democracy and well-being) at risk. The intense flow of immigrants has challenged the principle of the free movement of people within the EU, one of the four freedoms of movement guaranteed under the Treaties, and has generated serious political and social tension. The former German Minister of Finance’s request that Greece be excluded from the euro, and the desire of several Eurosceptic leaders to have their own countries leave the single currency have compromised the principle of the indissolubility of monetary union, already threatened by growing economic, social and territorial imbalances. Brexit undermined the idea of the irreversibility of EU membership. International events have confirmed, if ever proof were needed, the weakness of EU foreign policy, its little weight in the world and its vulnerability in the face of threats to global security. Terrorism has fuelled people’s fear of the other, of difference, and fostered a closed, nationalistic and xenophobic attitude towards the outside world.

This has led to a serious weakening of the European Union, the loss of its appeal and a change in the public’s attitude towards integration. There has been a shift away from rather broad consensus, albeit general, poorly informed and motivated (the so-called “permissive consensus” typical of the first decades of integration, an overall widespread yet passive Europeanism), to a form of disaffection that sometimes morphs into the rejection of integration. The resurgence of nationalism and aspirations to restore full national sovereignty that are being advocated by populist rhetoric provide a glimpse of the dream of the return to a mythical golden age of self-sufficient nation-states. The latter are supposedly able to meet citizens’ needs and continue guaranteeing an extensive social security system, which in recent years, according to populist propaganda, has been scaled down by austerity policies imposed by a technocratic caste rooted in the EU. This attitude results in demands to reduce the EU’s powers, re-nationalise some of its policies and regain the sovereignty surrendered to Europe.

Read more 

Scientific Committee

De Europa has set up a multidisciplinary Scientific Board, consisting of a privileged pool of peer reviewers as members at disposal of the journal with regards to the different academic disciplines of the articles sumbitted for publication.

Members of the Scientific Board are: 

María del Rosío Barajas Escamilla - El Colegio de la Fontera Norte (El Colef)
Marco Brunazzo - Università degli Studi di Trento
Olga Butorina - Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences
Michelangelo Conoscenti - Università degli Studi di Torino
Niccolò Conti - Università degli Studi di Roma “Unitelma Sapienza”
Matthew D'Auria - University of East Anglia
Jean-Michel De Waele - Université libre de Bruxelles
Michel Dumoulin - Université catholique de Louvain
Corinne Gobin - Université libre de Bruxelles
Aylin Güney Gevrek - Yaşar Üniversitesi 
Faizel Ismail - University of Cape Town, School of Economics
Herman J. Kraft, University of the Philippines Diliman
Thomas Kroll - Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Francisco Lara-Valencia - Arizona State University, School of Transborder Studies
Giuliana Laschi - University of Bologna
Garth Le Pere - University of Pretoria
Jacqueline Lo, Australian National University, College of Arts and Social Sciences
Corrado Malandrino - Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”
Antonio Moreno Juste - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Luciano Morganti - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Edoardo Novelli  - Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Joanna Nowicki - Université de Cergy-Pontoise
José Paradiso - Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero †
Massimo Pendenza - Università di Salerno
Laura Polverari - Università degli Studi di Padova
Daniela Preda - Università degli Studi di Genova
Rossana Sampugnaro - Università di Catania
Vivien Ann Schmidt - Boston University
Mario Telò - Royal Academy of Sciences, Brussels †
Jovan Teokarević - University of Belgrade
Pier Domenico Tortola - University of Groningen
Hans-Jörg Trenz - Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Francesco Tuccari - Università degli Studi di Torino
Enrique José Varela Álvarez - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación, Universidade de Vigo
Pascaline Winand - Director of Studies, College of Europe, Natolin

Articles and Submissions Processing Charges

De Europa does not ask for article processing (APC) or submission charges.



Department of Culture, Politics and Society - University of Turin

“Jean Monnet” Chair - No Fear 4 EUrope

Journal History

The main purpose of De Europa is to address the current state of European integration faced with the resurgence of nationalism, which seemed to have been defeated after the Second World War, and Euroscepticism, and to extend scientific research on Europe aimed at stressing the reasons underlying its integration.

To this end, the journal is multidisciplinary in nature and include contributions from different disciplines in order to embrace the complexity and richness of Europe.

Articles are published in one of the journal’s four languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish. Two issues will come out annually, that may be supplemented with special issues. Theme-based issues will alternate with open issues.