Dal servizio alla battaglia: il giornale universitario «Ateneo» dal secondo dopoguerra alle contestazioni studentesche - From Service to Battle: the University Newspaper «Ateneo» from 1949 to 1968
https://doi.org/10.13135/2281-2164/9392Parole chiave:
University of Turin, Students, Digitalization, University NewspapersAbstract
The essay aims to showcase the digitization project of the university newspaper «Ateneo», published from 1949 to 1968, describing its development and the technical solutions adopted using Omeka, chosen for its flexibility and ease of use. The article gives the opportunity to provide an overview of the history of the newspaper and its role in the student community of the University of Turin during those years, analyzing the different stages of its evolution (from a pioneering phase to a role as a platform for student activism and intellectual debate) and highlighting the challenges it faced, such as financial difficulties and political pressure. Making the newspaper available online allows to rediscover an important source for understanding the changes that occurred in the student organizations and led to the massive protests of the late ’60s.