Il patrimonio archivistico del Centro di Studi Metodologici di Torino - The Archives of the Turin Center for Methodological Studies


  • Francesco Forleo


Parole chiave:

Methodology, Scientific Knowledge, Torino’s Centro di Studi Metodologici


On January 1948, with the establishment of Center for Methodological Studies of Torino, the project of the unification of the methodology took shape. It was successfully initiative whom added many supporters inside the scientific and cultural field. Upon that, for over thirty years the Center has promoted conferences, meetings, national and international congresses, focused on the application of the methodology in its declinations towards mathematics, science, technology, logic, humanistic and language. Today we recovered an archival heritage of more than 4000 artifacts, currently located to the Academy of Sciences of Torino. After having found them in Torino, 2011 in the Palazzo Nuovo's cellar, has been started a meticulous work consisting in their reorganization, analysis, study and classification. The description of that activity is the core of the article. The heritage is an extraordinarily rich and priceless historical documentation. As evidence of the twentieth century knowledge, are available reports, letters and acts of the congresses, which today still represents a high epistemological value and deserves further study.




Archivi, Biblioteche, Musei