On a Trip through the Possible World-Universe: Afterword

  • Teresa Biondi Università di Torino
Keywords: Movie Tourism, Media Identity, Landscape, Potential Worlds-Universes, Sense of Otherness


The first way of travelling at a movie is always virtual/mental (film-related imagination) and subsequently, a real movement may occur towards movie sets or locations seen in the movie (film-induced travel). This double (immersive) process of knowledge of the other and places, that cinematography (perception of the filmic sense) initiated, established a new way of experiencing/knowing/understanding global culture since the very first movies – starting from the cultural identity of the reference frameworks (embodied imaginary), which are different from each other but always parts of the broader common conscience of individuals (mankind) and a single large country (the World). The movie tourists/spectators have become virtual citizens through the media as they live in the McLuhanian “global village” in its broadest sense.


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Author Biography

Teresa Biondi, Università di Torino
Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature straniere e Culture moderne
Focus | Human Transition, Global Change