Postcards from Middle Earth: Location-Based Transmedia Imaginaries on Social Networks

  • Valerio Di Paola Università La Sapienza, Roma
Keywords: Narrative Ecosystem, Transmedia Design, Social Network, Tourist Gaze, Narrative Turn


In this paper, I will use the tools of transmedia design to explore the media products of crossing places, which are before known to the users through their representation in narrative ecosystems. I consider Social Networks as the space in which places are rewritten from object to sign, according to the technology of the different platforms. First of all, I will apply the theoretical approach to the theme park, as a typical example of localized storytelling. Then I will identify two different meanings of the crossing places: the “intertextual places”, which are medial memory before being crossed, and the “metatextual places”, which are imaginary until they are geolocalized.


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Focus | Human Transition, Global Change