El encierro de Cervantes

El “Quijote” en la dramaturgia argentina de la dictadura y la posdictadura

  • Stefania Di Carlo Università di Torino
Parole chiave: Don Quixote, Cervantes, Argentine Theater, Argentine Dictatorship, Captivity


The following article analyzes three theater pieces produced during the dictatorial and post-dictatorial periods in late 20th-Century Argentina: El acompañamiento (1981) by Carlos Gorostiza, ¡Ladran, Che! (1994) by Carlos Alsina, and La razón blindada (2005) by Aristides Vargas. The essay explores the way these plays rewrite and re-signify Cervantes’s Don Quixote as means to reflect upon topics like captivity, freedom, the disciplinary State (Foucault), and utopia. The appearance of Don Quijote in these plays—either as a character or an ideal—helps us understand the role of the fantastic as an artistic response and as an alternative to the horror engendered in the context of dictatorial regimes.


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