Current Issue

A Journal of Roman Thought
Peer-reviewed scientific review (ISSN 2532-5353)
A Review of the Société internationale des Amis de Cicéron
and Centro di Studi Ciceroniani
New Series Volume VIII, 2, 2024
From composition to reception
De inventione at the crossroads of knowledge
De inventione and the development of a rhetorical-philosophical lexicon
Bibliographical Bulletin
CICERONIANA ON LINE (COL) is a biannual digital journal; its two issues each year are considered part of a single volume, but are given separate numeration (e.g. 2015.1 or 2015.2). It is edited jointly by SIAC (Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron (www.tulliana.eu) and by the CSC (Centro di Studi Ciceroniani in Rome) and welcomes submissions on Cicero, as well as on topics that fall in the category of Roman Thought.
Papers from all disciplines and approaches are accepted; these may include philology, linguistics, literary history, exegesis, rhetoric, source-criticism (Quellenforschung), philosophy, archaeology and art history, history, prosopography, religious studies, psychology, allusion and intertextuality, genre studies, gender studies, anthropology, reception, didactics, new media, digitalization etc.
As of 2020, the Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron as launched a collaboration with UGO NESPOLO, an artist who works across a variety of media. Nespolo is an artist whose polemical interventions and constant focus on the moral and intellectual integrity of contemporary art have made him “stand out from the crowd”, to borrow his expression. His work is characterised by lively effects, folk and distinctive, rooted in a profound engagement with humanistic culture. The artist has already lent «COL» his expertise, producing a dynamic and modern re-interpretation of the well-known bust of Cicero from the Capitoline Museum – an illustration that as of 2020 will appear in the journal’s title page.