Trópos <p align="justify"><strong><em>Trópos. Rivista di ermeneutica e critica filosofica </em></strong>è stata fondata nel 2008 presso l'Università di Torino (Italia) da Gianni Vattimo, Gaetano Chiurazzi e Roberto Salizzoni. Attualmente è diretta da <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Gaetano Chiurazzi</strong><strong>.</strong></a> &nbsp;</p> <p align="justify"><strong><em>Trópos</em>&nbsp;</strong>pubblica saggi su temi di grande attualità nel <strong>dibattito filosofico contemporano</strong>, mettendo in dialogo <strong>diverse tradizioni filosofiche</strong>. I suoi campi di interesse vanno dalla filosofia teoretica alla filosofia morale, all'estetica, la linguistica e la letteratura.</p> <p align="justify"><em><strong>Trópos</strong> </em>è pubblicata due volte all'anno, fino al 2020 d<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a Aracne Editrice</a> e dal 2021 su OJS in open access. Ogni uscita comprende una sezione tematica e una sezione di saggi su tematiche diverse. La rivista pubblica contributi su invito e saggi che vengono proposti liberamente o in risposta a delle call for paper. Tutti gli articoli sono sottoposti a un processo di <strong>revisione cieca (double bind)</strong>. I contributi possono essere in italiano, inglese, francese, tedesco, spagnolo. Occasionalmente vengono accettati anche contributi in altre lingue.</p> <p align="justify">La rivista è dotata di un codice etico.</p> <p align="justify"><em><strong>Trópos</strong></em> è indicizzata presso l'ACNP (Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici), ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences), il Philosopher’s Index, il Philosophy Research Index.</p> OJS it-IT Trópos 2036-542X Introduzione <p>Introduzione</p> Manuel Disegni Copyright (c) 2024 Trópos 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 15 2 5 8 10.13135/2036-542X/10435 Vattimo, l’“ideale della trasparenza” e l’ideologia della “Trasparenza 2.0” <p>What Gianni Vattimo criticized in The Transparent Society (1989, 20003) as the “ideal of transparency” has nowadays mutated in what I would rather call the ideology of transparency, ironically historicizing it as “2.0”, in order to distinguish it from other forms it took before the digital turn. What about the problem of “the limits of derealization”, which Vattimo’s chapter added in 2000 was devoted to, in such a new phase?</p> Mauro Carbone Copyright (c) 2024 Trópos 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 15 2 9 20 10.13135/2036-542X/10436 Trasparenza e trasformazione: <p>The concept of transparency is linked to vision, to the possibility that what is seen can appear as it is and exempt from opacity. This phenomenological paradigm produces, in the society of digital technologies, a form of absolute control in which various authors (Vattimo, Floridi, Byung Chul-Han) have not wrongly seen a risk of totalisation. This essay contrasts this model with an informational paradigm, based on the symbolic character of man’s relationship to the world. This makes it possible to understand the trans- and dia- of transparency and diaphanês as something that, far from being confined to phenomenological immanence, produces a mediative movement, “towards or beyond”, what appears, in such a way as to allow grasping, though not seeing, what is not present. It is only by defending this symbolic and “transductive” dimension of the technological object, beyond the visual immanence to which digital technologies condemn us, that the critical character of technology in general can be reassessed.</p> Gaetano Chiurazzi Copyright (c) 2024 Trópos 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 15 2 21 37 10.13135/2036-542X/10437 #nofilter. Del modo di esistenza della sfera pubblica nell’epoca di Kant e in quella delle ICT digitali <p>L’articolo intende contribuire allo studio delle tecnologie digitali dell’informazione e della comunicazione dal punto di vista degli effetti trasformativi che esse esercitano sulla struttura e le funzioni della sfera pubblica. La nozione di quest’ultima viene sviluppata a partire dalla sua genesi nel pensiero filosofico e politico dell’illuminismo (in particolare dalla Öffentlichkeit kantiana), quindi attraverso la sua rivalutazione critica nell’ambito della riflessione sociologica novecentesca sull’industria culturale e la comunicazione di massa (in particolare Habermas). Entro tale cornice storico-concettuale, la seconda parte dell’articolo considera due fenomeni sociali attualmente rilevanti – la diffusione endemica del disturbo da deficit di attenzione/iperattività e la crisi del giornalismo professionale – come indizi del fatto che alla rapida espansione della sfera pubblica determinata dalle ICT digitali corrisponde un tendenziale deterioramento tanto delle condizioni soggettive della sua esistenza quanto delle sue infrastrutture oggettive.</p> Manuel Disegni Copyright (c) 2024 Trópos 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 15 2 38 55 10.13135/2036-542X/10438 Le possibilità dell’attività politica su Internet: <p>This article examines the possibility that the online space offers to deploy political activity. Once we have examined some of the risks and advantages of political activity carried out in the digital space, we move on to examine the concept of digital citizenship. This notion is studied from the new horizons that it can raise (such as the decentralization of classic citizenship anchored in the land and soil), as well as from the point of view of some risks that it presents. Thus, it places special emphasis on some problems presented by the articulation of classic citizenship with digital citizenship. Finally, the importance of keeping an eye on the present is highlighted without limiting the ability to imagine, through digital citizenship, a new world.</p> Irene Ortiz Gala Copyright (c) 2024 Trópos 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 15 2 56 67 10.13135/2036-542X/10439 The Opacity of Critical Thinking’s Software. <p>The paper addresses the critique of software’s opacity by examining the opacity of the “software” used by those very same critics: writing. First, I raise the general problem of bringing software back into visibility by citing cases in which a certain degree of opacity in technology seems even to be required as a precondition for its use (§ 1.1), and by highlighting the specificity of the algorithmic black box, which seems to withdraw radically from its own programmer (§ 1.2). Then, I outline the premises for a renewed critical ethos: I take the possible solutions to the algorithmic black box as an illustration of the difference between a critique that outs technology (a critique of technology) and a critique that comes out on its own (a critique by technology), ultimately defending a third way, namely, a critique through technology (§ 2.1); I discuss what have traditionally been the most common forms of critique, arguing that the intellectual, academic one is based exclusively on the technology of writing and thus questioning technology’s implicit uniqueness in light of the ubiquity of code (§ 2.2). Finally, I examine the media theorist F.A. Kittler as a key-example of this type of renewed critical thinking: I expose his peculiar “mediological argument”, according to which critics should realize the traditional technological conditions of their own activity and accept current changes brought about by computer technology (§ 3.1); I present the code written by Kittler as an example of a critique through software, describing him as a true philosopher-programmer (§ 3.2). To conclude, I point towards a mediologically more inclusive future for critical thinking.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> Giacomo Pezzano Copyright (c) 2024 Trópos 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 15 2 68 90 10.13135/2036-542X/10440 Law and Interpretation <p>The article deals with the problem of relationship between law and interpretation. Arguing that the ontological origins of legality can be found not only in the Greek <em>Nomos,</em> but also in the Roman term <em>ius,</em> it is shown how the fundamental basis of law opens up in a hermeneutical perspective. The article analyses Gadamer’s contribution to the rethinking of legal hermeneutics and reveals the nihilistic groundlessness of law found in Vattimo’s hermeneutics. And such nihilism discloses not abstractly, but effectively and actually – i.e. in the interpretative perspective of the application of Law (laws). It is shown that it is precisely in the (nihilistic) interpretation we can see, that application of law is not only techne. From the perspective of the ontology of law (Law), this is not only the retrieval of the significance of application to legal hermeneutics, but also a move that enables the transition in the ontological problematic from <em>Nomos</em> to <em>ius.</em></p> Rita Šerpytyte Copyright (c) 2024 Trópos 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 15 2 91 115 10.13135/2036-542X/10441 Entretien avec François Jullien <p>La seguente intervista ha avuto luogo il 22 maggio 2023 a Torino, a seguito dell’intervento “Ambigüité de la transparence” tenuto da François Jullien all’interno del convegno “Trasparenza e opacità nella società digitale”, organizzato dal Professor Gaetano Chiurazzi presso l’Università di Torino. Le domande sono finalizzate a indagare il rapporto di Jullien con la filosofia di Maurice Merleau-Ponty, in vista dell’elaborazione di una tesi incentrata sul loro dialogo filosofico, nonché a comprendere in maniera più approfondita il concetto di “inaudito” in Jullien.</p> Aurora Albertini Copyright (c) 2024 Trópos 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 15 2 116 122 10.13135/2036-542X/10442 L’incommensurabile, l’inaudito, la de-coincidenza. <p>.</p> Aurora Albertini Copyright (c) 2024 Trópos 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 15 2 10.13135/2036-542X/10443