RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista di Lingue e Letterature straniere e Culture moderne https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni <p><strong><em>RiCOGNIZIONI</em> </strong>is an open access, peer review digital journal hosting research on modern languages, literature and culture from both a disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective. Its aim is to stimulate a dialogue between related scientific fields and encourage contact between different approaches.</p> <p>The journal welcomes contributions from scholars and young researchers on:</p> <ol> <li class="show">writers, movements, world cultures</li> </ol> <ol start="2"> <li class="show">new and still unexplored areas of language, literature and culture</li> </ol> <p>CrOCEVIA features papers dealing with different linguistic and cultural domains, converging around a common thematic core</p> <p>InCONTRI hosts debates on current issues related to the social and cultural scene in the form of a round table forum</p> <p>ItINERARI is a miscellaneous section with contribution from different areas of language, literature and culture</p> <p>PaSSAGGI features unpublished translations and provides a critical forum on the role of translators</p> <p>SeGNALI offers readers conference reports, book reviews and information about ongoing research projects&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>ISSN 2384-8987</p> <p>* * *</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div>&nbsp;</div> en-US <p><em>RiCognizioni</em> is published under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.</p><p>With the licence CC-BY, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute and/or copy their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author.</p><p>It is not necessary to ask further permissions both to author or journal board.</p> rivista.ricognizioni@unito.it (La Redazione) rivista.ricognizioni@unito.it (La Redazione) Mon, 01 Jul 2024 15:25:49 +0200 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 “Between dreams and reality” https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/7936 <p><strong><em>“Between dreams and reality”</em>. <em>Félix Francisco Casanova’s literary idiolect in the novel </em>El don de Vorace<em>.</em></strong> The aim of this contribution is to highlight the significant private residue which characterizes the literary idiolect of the Canarian poet and writer Félix Francisco Casanova (Santa Cruz de La Palma, 1956-Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1976). First of all, the article will retrace the main stages of the author’s short literary career, which was abruptly broken by his sudden and untimely death. Then, the Casanova’s novel <em>El don de Vorace</em> will be analysed, with special focus on the influence of the oneiric element in the text, and on its thematic and structural implications. Finally, the rhythmical aspects of Casanova’s writing will be considered, emphasising the important role played by music in the writer’s literary apprenticeship.</p> Lucia Chiosso Copyright (c) 2024 Lucia Chiosso https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/7936 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 12:57:41 +0200 Europe and its Languages https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10144 <p><em><strong>Europe and its Languages: The Fluctuating Ambiguity.</strong></em> Humanity has never given up<br>the quest for the perfect language. From the lingua franca to the construction of a perfectly rational<br>multilingual algorithmic code that would deliver us from what we believe to be the curse of Babel;<br>automatic language processing has revived the dream of a standardized multilingual communication<br>tool, fully motivated, transparent, angelic, without loss or redundancy. But the more analytically<br>coherent and semantically bi-univocal a language is, the less able it is to signify the world and ideas.<br>Indeed, speaking is not just about communicating, it is also about putting thought into dialogue with<br>itself, so that it can exist with others in the polis. By delegating the encounter between people to<br>artificial intelligence, has mankind been foolish enough to try to resolve the “faltering equivocality of<br>the world”? Let us explore how European thought, since Antiquity, has envisaged the essence of<br>language; perhaps we can catch a glimpse of Europe’s Being?</p> Christine Fourcaud Copyright (c) 2024 christine fourcaud https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10144 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 12:58:19 +0200 Between Narrative and Essay https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/9980 <p><em><strong>Between Narrative and Essay. The Self as a Space of Reconciliation in Comics</strong></em>. Mainstream comics models have been usually understood as fictional narrative. However, the development of graphic novel and popular science comics have pointed out basic autobiographical and essayistic aspects. Often, these books reveal themselves as healing and might be labeled as graphic medicine or, at least, might be seen as an space where the self can be happily reconciled with the other, through the recognition of shared circumstances.</p> Gonçal López-Pampló Rius Copyright (c) 2024 Gonçal López-Pampló Rius https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/9980 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 12:58:24 +0200 “Dancing with Dharma” / “Ballando con Dharma” https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10269 <p><em><strong>“Dancing with Dharma”: making wise choices in audiovisual translation in the first Students’ Symposium “Wise Choices in AVT”.</strong> </em>During the First Student Symposium on Audiovisual Translation, organised by the West University of Timișoara, five universities, including the University of Turin, were asked to work on the 2022 British short film “Dancing with Dharma” (Sukanya- Devika.K. Jhala). In February 2023, the students involved were asked to produce subtitles, SDH (subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing) and audio description (for the blind and visually impaired) in their mother tongue. The team decided to use the subtitling software Ooona Tools, the AD software ADauthor, and the Netflix guidelines. The final aim of the project was to promote the teaching of audiovisual translation in Universities and to evaluate the different results in various languages: Chinese, English, Hungarian, Italian and Romanian. After 5 months, the results were discussed at a conference held in Timișoara, Romania, on June 13th, 2023. In this paper, two of the Italian students involved in the project discuss the translation challenges encountered (the problem of textual fidelity and loss of information, and the translation of humour, wordplay and cultural references) and comment on the final result.</p> Martina Maggi, Francesca Cozzitorto Copyright (c) 2024 Martina Maggi, Francesca Cozzitorto https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10269 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 12:58:14 +0200 Translating Poetry from Serbian to Italian https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/9961 <p><em><strong>Translating Poetry from Serbian to Italian: Two Languages in Comparison in Desanka </strong></em><em><strong>Maksimović’s Verses.</strong></em> Starting from the Italian translations of the poems of Desanka Maksimović, one of the most beloved and well-known Yugoslav authors of the 20th century, this work provides insights into the challenging theme of poetic translation, with particular attention to the rhythmic aspect. It illustrates some of the main linguistic and creative difficulties that a translator may encounter when translating from Serbian to Italian and explores from a linguistic standpoint the solutions proposed by authors such as Arturo Cronia and Giacomo Scotti.</p> Katarina Mitić Copyright (c) 2024 Katarina Mitic https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/9961 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 12:58:30 +0200 (De)costructing identities https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10347 <p>The interviews collected here were conducted by e-mail, in French, by students of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature and Modern Cultures of the University of Turin, as part of the "Workshop: Reading, Analysis and Dissemination of the Contemporary Novel". The French version can be found on the website of the Festival du Premier Roman de Chambéry - Lectures Plurielles (https://www.lecturesplurielles.com/une-saison-avec-nous/dans-le-retro/).</p> Miriam Begliuomini Copyright (c) 2024 Miriam Begliuomini https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10347 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 [rev. of] S. MARIJANOVIĆ, N. RADOSAVLJEVIĆ, "Srpski glagoli. A Conjugation Dictionary of Serbian Verbs", Beograd, Klett, 2019 https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10267 <p>[rev. of] S. MARIJANOVIĆ, N. RADOSAVLJEVIĆ, <em>Srpski glagoli. A Conjugation Dictionary of Serbian Verbs</em>, Beograd, Klett, 2019</p> Miriam Canavese Copyright (c) 2024 Miriam Canavese https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10267 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 12:58:09 +0200 [rev. of] E. DI NUOVO, "Introducing Valico-DU. A Parallel, Learner Italian Treebank for Language Learning Research", Bologna, Pàtron, 2023 https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10320 <p>[rev. of] E. DI NUOVO, <em>Introducing Valico-DU. A Parallel, Learner Italian Treebank for Language Learning Research</em>, Bologna, Pàtron, 2023</p> Bianca Maria De Paolis Copyright (c) 2024 Bianca Maria De Paolis https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10320 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 12:58:04 +0200 [rev. of] V. SENTI-SCHMIDLIN, "Karl Walser: Maler – Grafiker – Bühnenbildner – Raumgestalter", Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag 2023 https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/9154 <p>[rev. of] V. SENTI-SCHMIDLIN, <em>Karl Walser: Maler – Grafiker – Bühnenbildner – Raumgestalter</em>, Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag 2023</p> Anna Fattori Copyright (c) 2023 Anna Fattori https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/9154 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 [rev. of] F. PERLINI, "L’Albertazzi. Dizionario, grammatica storie di slang bolognese in una variante di ballotta", Pendragon, Bologna 2023-2024 https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10451 <p>[rev. of] F. PERLINI, <em>L’Albertazzi. Dizionario, grammatica storie di slang bolognese in una variante di ballotta</em>, Pendragon, Bologna 2023-2024</p> Alberto Ghia Copyright (c) 2024 Alberto Ghia https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni/article/view/10451 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 12:57:52 +0200