OrizzonteCina https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/orizzontecina <div class="page"> <p><em>OrizzonteCina </em>pubblica saggi originali e rigorosi al fine di promuovere, a livello nazionale, una più articolata conoscenza del sistema politico, delle relazioni internazionali e delle dinamiche socioeconomiche della Repubblica popolare cinese e della più ampia collettività sinofona. La rivista ospita contributi di ricercatori affermati ed emergenti con l’obiettivo di agevolare il dialogo tra diverse prospettive disciplinari, anche favorendo la traduzione in italiano di articoli proposti da studiosi stranieri.</p> <p><em>OrizzonteCina </em>combina gli strumenti interpretativi propri delle scienze sociali con la sensibilità filologica degli studi d’area sinologici e si compone di una sezione monografica, costituita da articoli e note di ricerca volti all’approfondimento critico di una tematica di particolare salienza, di una sezione dedicata all'analisi sociolinguistica, di rubriche a cura del Comitato Editoriale, e di uno spazio riservato a brevi interventi di dibattito pubblico.</p> <p>Il Comitato Editoriale di <em>OrizzonteCina </em>condivide e si conforma allo spirito delle raccomandazioni del Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) al fine di assicurare la costante e rigorosa implementazione delle migliori pratiche internazionali per quanto attiene alla correttezza etica del processo di pubblicazione della rivista.</p> <p>Il Comitato Editoriale di <em>OrizzonteCina </em>accoglie manoscritti in lingua italiana, inglese e cinese, che vengono sottoposti a una doppia <em>peer-review</em>:</p> <ul> <li>una revisione a singolo cieco svolta da un membro del Comitato Editoriale affine all’approccio disciplinare di cui l’articolo è espressione;</li> <li>una revisione anonima a doppio cieco svolta da un Revisore esterno al Comitato Editoriale esperto della tematica trattata nell’articolo.</li> </ul> <p><em>OrizzonteCina </em>è una rivista scientifica quadrimestrale registrata al Tribunale di Torino e censita dall’Agenzia nazionale di valutazione del sistema universitario e della ricerca (ANVUR). Promossa dal Torino World Affairs Institute, la rivista è pubblicata in formato <em>Open Access </em>dal TOChina Centre, centro del Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società dell’Università degli Studi di Torino, che ne ha la responsabilità scientifico-redazionale.</p> <p>Gli autori e le autrici che desiderano comunicare con la redazione sono invitati a scrivere a <u><a href="mailto:orizzontecina@tochina.it">orizzontecina@tochina.it</a></u>. Per sottoporre un contributo si prega di procedere alla pagina <a href="https://www.ojs.unito.it/index.php/orizzontecina/information/authors">Per gli autori</a>.</p> </div> it-IT OrizzonteCina 2280-8035 Il mercato del lavoro in Cina: trasformazioni e tendenze nell’epoca delle riforme https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/orizzontecina/article/view/8328 <p style="font-weight: 400;">Even though China is no longer the most populous country in the world, its labour market remains the largest. In 2022, with an economically active population of 780 million people, China accounted to 22.7% of the global labour force.&nbsp;&nbsp;Social scientists from multiple disciplines and approaches have largely investigated the role and evolution of the labour market within China’s staggering economic rise. However, the transformations that have taken place in the aftermath of the GFC have been even more profound and rapid than those in the previous 30 years of reforms, entailing a reallocation of labour that is unprecedented in history.&nbsp;Through data delivered by the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBSC), this article focuses on the main shifts that occurred in the Chinese labour market in the reform-era, lingering on three main issues. Firstly, the demographic, spatial and macro-sectoral employment drivers which contributed to constitute the comparative advantage in labour cost in the first three decades of reforms. Secondly, the role performed by the urban-rural divide in shaping domestic migrant workers flows and their employment. Finally, the employment trends occurred within the firms’ property regime which resulted in a progressive “privatization” of labour.</p> Dario Di Conzo Copyright (c) 2024 OrizzonteCina http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 14 2 4 34 10.13135/2280-8035/8328 L’industria dei semiconduttori in Cina: tendenze nella attuale “chip war” https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/orizzontecina/article/view/8398 <p>This short study delves into the complex semiconductor industry dynamics amidst global trade and geopolitical tensions. Valued at over 500 billion US dollars, expected to reach 1 trillion by 2030, the sector is crucial for AI, autonomous driving, and 5G. We examine China’s quest for tech leadership, seen in Made in China 2025 Plan and Integrated Circuits (ICs) industrial policies developed so far. While China advances in chipmaking, challenges arise in high-end domestic production. The US-China analysis of trade flows shows significant imports of Electronic integrated circuits and Machines for semiconductor manufacturing from the US. Reduced ICs imports result from trade sanctions and self-reliance emphasis. The US plays a vital role in supplying China’s semiconductor-related products, creating tech dependency. Overall, China’s semiconductor value chain lags behind the US, driving indigenous development. Seen in the 14th Five-Year Plan and the Law on Science and Technology Progress, China aims to overcome Western restrictions, although challenges remain in achieving sustainable self-reliance.</p> Gianluca Sampaolo Francesca Spigarelli Copyright (c) 2024 OrizzonteCina http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 14 2 35 45 10.13135/2280-8035/8398 La transizione interna ed esterna della Cina: quali implicazioni per il resto del mondo? https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/orizzontecina/article/view/8406 <p>Abstract</p> <p>This paper examines the transformation of the Chinese economy and its impact on China's global interactions, as well as the reciprocal effects. China is now taking a more proactive role on the world stage, exemplified by initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative and its participation in the RCEP. Additionally, China is upgrading its production capabilities, shifting from low-value-added to more sophisticated products, positioning itself as a leader in industries such as ICT. This evolving role of China is perceived as a threat, especially by the United States. However, complete decoupling from the Chinese economy proves exceedingly challenging due to the interconnectedness of global supply chains. Many countries still view China as a significant opportunity rather than solely a threat.</p> Marco Marazzi Copyright (c) 2024 OrizzonteCina http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 14 2 46 59 10.13135/2280-8035/8406 La Cina vista da un pubblico strategico italiano https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/orizzontecina/article/view/9911 <p>This paper presents the results of an original survey of the opinions on China held by a strategic attentive Italian public, that of university students of Chinese language and International Relations. This particular public is disproportionately more likely than other members of Italian society to play a seminal role in the future development of Italy-China relations, which are currently experiencing a re-boot after the end of a decade of intense engagement. Alongside a description of data emerging from the 1.072-strong sample, assembled employing a non-standard method of purposeful sampling, a statistical analysis is offered, which points to the correlation between personal experience on the field in China, as well as the perception of personal economic stakes connected with China'e economic progress, and a positive opinion of China.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> Giovanni Battista Andornino Copyright (c) 2024 OrizzonteCina http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 14 2 60 89 10.13135/2280-8035/9911 La formazione di competenze chiave per la comprensione della Cina contemporanea in Italia https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/orizzontecina/article/view/9879 <p>This article presents some research evidence taken from the Future Stakeholders Project survey conducted during the academic years 2021/22 and 2022/23 by the Italy-China Competence &amp; Sentiment Observatory (ICCSO), with the aim of probing knowledge, skills and perceptions of Italian university students enrolled in political science and linguistics degree programs aimed toward educational or professional careers expressly or potentially focused on China. The focus here is more specifically on linguistic and cultural skills, highlighting the critical issues and potential strengths of the Italian educational and training system with respect to the strategic goal of boosting the skills necessary for a better understanding of contemporary China.</p> Daniele Brigadoi Cologna Copyright (c) 2024 OrizzonteCina http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 14 2 90 105 10.13135/2280-8035/9879 L' Evoluzione della strategia comunicativa cinese: l’“Apprendimento reciproco tra civiltà” dall’Asia alla “Civiltà globale” https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/orizzontecina/article/view/8233 <p>Short or rhythmic slogans to convey ideals have been employed by the Chinese Communist Party since its foundation to support the national narrative. In the bigger picture of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s “China Dream”, alongside concepts of: “National rejuvenation”, “Harmonious society”, and "Community with a shared future for mankind", “Mutual learning among civilizations” lately increased in popularity on the Chinese microblogging site Weibo and state-sponsored media. Inaugurated by Xi in 2014 at the UNESCO conference and the 4<sup>th</sup> summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), it has been further reiterated during other significant events and meetings. Though still lacking concrete steps to be followed for it to be considered an official political strategy, it seems to be another attempt to consolidate China’s holistic influential role in the region, appealing to the eagerness to cooperate with other Asian countries by virtue of common cultural ancestry.</p> Veronica Zanon Copyright (c) 2024 OrizzonteCina http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 14 2 106 120 10.13135/2280-8035/8233 Policy comes first: verso una sistematizzazione dell’ecosistema innovativo di intelligenza artificiale cinese https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/orizzontecina/article/view/9992 <p>Lo sviluppo dell’intelligenza artificiale (<em>Artificial Intelligence</em>, AI) è al centro dei dibattiti politici, economici e dell’innovazione di moltissimi paesi. La Cina è senza dubbio uno degli attori principali in questo scenario, posizionandosi insieme agli Stati Uniti al vertice del panorama mondiale. La rubrica discute origine a contorni delle politiche cinesi volte alla sistematizzazione del sistema di innovazione dell'intelligenza artificiale.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Jacopo Cricchio Copyright (c) 2024 OrizzonteCina http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 14 2 121 126 10.13135/2280-8035/9992 Gianluigi Negro, Le voci di Pechino: Come i media hanno costruito l’identità cinese, Roma: Luiss University Press, 2022 https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/orizzontecina/article/view/10118 Giuseppe Gabusi Copyright (c) 2024 OrizzonteCina http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 14 2 127 130 10.13135/2280-8035/10118