JUNCO | Journal of UNiversities and international development COoperation 2024-03-23T10:00:47+01:00 Egidio Dansero Open Journal Systems <p>JUNCO is a scientific journal on issues related to international development cooperation, with a particular focus on the role of Universities in its three tasks (research, education and third mission).</p> <p>JUNCO’s promoters are the University and the Polytechnic of Turin, in partnership with CUCS (Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo).</p> <p>The journal, born from concrete experiences of cooperation and networking between people, disciplines, universities and institutions of various kinds, aims at further promoting collaboration with several actors like the network of the University Coordination for Development Cooperation (CUCS), the Turin School of Development hosted by the UN Campus in Turin, the other actors of development cooperation (NGOs, local authorities, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation), and the many partners of UniTo and PoliTo based in Africa, Asia and Latin America.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div id="additionalHomeContent"> <p><strong>Philosophy and goals</strong></p> <p>JUNCO&nbsp;aims at offering:</p> <ul> <li class="show">a place for scientific communication, reflexion and debate on the role of Universities in the context of development cooperation, taking into account the variety of performed activities “in”, “for” and “on” the development cooperation, inside and outside universities;</li> <li class="show">a place of debate among universities and with other international cooperation actors on current development issues;</li> <li class="show">a place where universities and their partners can showcase their research projects and activities&nbsp;</li> <li class="show">a training ground for young researchers and an intermediate step between research reports and prestigious international publications.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Features of the journal</strong></p> <p>JUNCO&nbsp;publishes various kinds of papers: refereed scientific articles, debate notes (non-refereed), travel notes, books reviews, and also descriptions of projects, programs and activities. JUNCO&nbsp;can also publish monographic numbers presenting the research of centres and groups of the two universities.</p> <p>The journal gives the possibility to publish in the language more relevant to the projects’ activities aims at a strong multimedia presence online and offline.</p> </div> I partenariati e la nuova cooperazione in Italia 2024-03-23T10:00:47+01:00 Valeria Saggiomo Antonia Soriente <p>Il testo funge da introduzione al primo volume degli atti del VII convegno del Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (CUCS) “La cooperazione universitaria nelle nuove sfide per lo sviluppo sostenibile” che si è tenuto a Napoli dal 21 al 23 aprile 2022.<br>Il congresso ha messo al centro il tema dei partenariati come modalità operativa chiave per la creazione di processi di sviluppo integrato e sistemico ovunque nel mondo, evidenziando come le attività di Capacity-building, Science Diplomacy e Open Science siano fondamentali nei rapporti tra<br>Nord e Sud del mondo nel nuovo contesto globale.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) L’università l’Orientale di Napoli e la Promozione del Nesso tra Migrazione e Sviluppo. Esperienze di Partenariati Territoriali per il Potenziamento dell’Associazionismo Migrante 2024-03-23T10:00:12+01:00 Valeria Saggiomo <p>The present work describes the experience of the University of Naples L’Orientale in the promotion of co-development or Migration and Development approach in Naples and in the Campania Region, from 2015, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration and with the Municipality of Naples. Training and institutional recognition of migrants’ role in development, combined with funding external opportunities offered to diaspora organizations, trigger migrants’ transnational development efforts that bind Italy to Senegal, to Burkina Faso, to Ivory Coast and foster positive relations between territories and peoples in Italy and abroad.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) Progetti di alta formazione inclusiva e interdisciplinare. Una discussione su alcune esperienze del CISAO 2024-03-23T10:00:40+01:00 Paolo Barge Carlo Semita Daniele De Meneghi Riccardo Fortina Angela Calvo <p>I progetti di formazione universitaria promossi dal Cisao sono rivolti ad arricchire l’istruzione superiore per favorire la sicurezza alimentare in alcuni paesi africani con un approccio olistico, arricchendo i curricula accademici con l’inclusione di diverse discipline (tecniche, economiche, sociali, politiche). I progetti in questa direzione negli ultimi anni sono stati: RUSSADE (Réseau des Universités Sahéliennes pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et la Durabilité Environnementale) e CLICHA (CLImate CHange in Agriculture). Entrambi hanno avuto successo, ma come mantenere le buone pratiche scaturite da queste esperienze? Anche se la formazione accademica interdisciplinare non è sufficiente, essa è comunque necessaria, e deve essere tenuta in conto nelle politiche nazionali e internazionali.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) Regreening Ethiopia beyond climate change and environmental degradation: the political meaning of green legacy 2024-03-23T10:00:34+01:00 Valentina Acquafredda <p>As the drivers of deforestation are manifold, the reasons for reforestation and afforestation (AR), that involved Ethiopia since the late Nineteenth century to the present, have changed over time. After a brief historical overview, the article aims to analyse the four editions of Green Legacy, a regreenization initiative led by Pm Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The initiative, while retaining the objectives of past AR operations, such as tackling environmental degradation and mitigating GHG (strategically removed in the project narrative), has clothed the entire operation with a new aesthetic and political significance, aimed primarily to celebrate the Pm’s political season.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) Cultura quarta dimensione della sostenibilità 2024-03-23T10:00:27+01:00 Susanna Bortolotto Nelly Cattaneo <p>Nel dibattito internazionale sugli Sdg il tema della cultura sembrerebbe essere assunto come implicito e trasversale, invece che individuato come settore specifico e autonomo. Si riscontra infatti una difficoltà a identificare il ruolo del fattore culturale all’interno del binomio culturasviluppo, poiché, rispetto ad altri ambiti della Cooperazione, i suoi effetti sono difficilmente circoscrivibili e misurabili. Eppure oltre trent’anni di dibattito hanno evidenziato che questo binomio, se adeguatamente promosso, contribuisce non solo a creare nuove attività economiche, ma anche a consolidare senso di identità e valori collettivi, rendendo sostenibile lo sviluppo stesso e più efficaci gli altri ambiti della cooperazione.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) Italian protected areas and pluralist evaluation: the experimentation of an integrated model 2024-03-23T10:00:21+01:00 Arianna Calderamo Veronica Lo Presti <p>From a careful and critical reading of the main methodologies developed so far in the evaluation of the protected areas at a national and international level, derives a research project which consists in the designing and experimentation of an integrated evaluation model for the Italian National Parks. The change in the evaluation approach enables to read in an exhaustive way the overall impacts and effects that the management of these public institutions can contribute to the territories and on the local communities involved, analyzing the collateral processes of the existing sustainable local development.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) Towards an Integrated Agro-Climatic Monitoring: Results and Challenges in Two Central-American Protected Areas 2024-03-23T10:00:43+01:00 Fabio Cresto Aleina Pablo González-Xiloj Estefani Anayté González-García Samuel Carlos Secaira-Ziegler Samuel Carlos Secaira-Ziegler <p>Climate change threatens the livelihood of small farmers all around the world, as in Guatemala and Honduras. We used long-term, downscaled climate information to understand the local impacts in two protected areas, the Multiple-Use Reserve of the Atitlán Basin in Guatemala and the National Park Pico Bonito in Honduras. We selected two main crops, conducting in-situ analysis to assess vulnerabilities to climate change. The aim was to elaborate an agro-climatic monitoring, to understand local responses and adaptive capacities, and to elaborate ad-hoc adaptation measures. The results stress the urgency of realizing this monitoring, because climate change effects in the region may be catastrophic, especially in the bordering areas of the Central American Dry Corridor.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) Spring Water Qualitative Aspects in the Central Jordan Valley / Eastern Catchments - Palestine 2024-03-23T10:00:15+01:00 Marwan Ghanem Giulia Guerriero <p>The objective of this study is to investigate the hydrogeological characteristics of the spring aquifer system in the central eastern Jordan valley in Jericho areas and to determine the influence of its hydrochemical characteristics in qualitative potentials. The springs are used for domestic water supplies and irrigation in Jericho areas, which is considered as one of the most important areas in the West Bank feeding from the “spring system complex”. From the geological and structural point of view, the area is considered to be as complex in regards to the major structural features of faults and folds. The physical properties (pH, DO, temperature, TDS and EC) were interpreted. The hydro-chemical concentration major ions of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl¯, SO4 2¯, NO3 ¯ and HCO3 ¯were analyzed for the spring water system samples. The microbiological parameters of total and fecal coliforms were analyzed for the targeted springs and indicates of no detected pollution.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) Ambiente Urbano e Salute: i Progetti di Capacity Building in Higher Education per gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’agenda 2030 nel Settore dell’architettura e dell’Ingegneria Edile 2024-03-23T10:00:18+01:00 Francesca Giofrè <p>The paper analyses the 490 Capacity Building in Higher Education projects funded by the European Union (2015-2019) to highlight some specificity such as distribution, budget per country, and presence of Italian institutions as project partners. Within this framework, a keyword analysis of the project titles was conducted to identify those in the field of architecture and civil engineering in pursuit of the Agenda 2030 objectives. Finally, the contribution presents some reflections from the experience of coordinating the European project "Healthy urban environment developing higher<br>education in architecture and construction in Bosnia and Herzegovina".</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) The Role of Capacity Development in International Cooperation Projects: Evidence From the Igad Region 2024-03-23T10:00:37+01:00 Eleonora Panizza Gabriele Casano <p>The Igad region is considered one of the most vulnerable to both natural climate variability and climate change. Moreover, local people’s vulnerability is compounded by other critical factors such as social and political instability, poor economic conditions. Thus, it is fundamental to develop a holistic approach, aimed both at reducing vulnerability and increasing institutional and organizational capacities to manage risk. This contribution presents part of the activities implemented within an international project focused on flood displacement risk reduction in the Igad region. Related activities are based on a capacity development approach. In the project, an agent-based model was chosen for testing the impact of policies on human displacement and informing policy-makers thanks to a reiterative process.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) Università e Organizzazioni non Governative di Cooperazione: Prospettive Critiche per L’elaborazione di Riflessioni a Servizio della Società Civile 2024-03-23T10:00:30+01:00 Fiorenzo Polito Emanuela Girei <p>Academia supports the development aid sector mostly through technical training of development workers and ad hoc consultancies. What is often lacking, however, is a reflection that critically appraises the concepts of development and their transformations. This seems to be reflected in two trends that characterise the relationship between universities and civil society: the gap between research and practice and the increasingly technical approach to development issues. This contribution aims to explore these aspects in more depth, offering keys to interpret the relationship between research and practice and to revitalise the collaboration between academia and civil society.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) La Cooperazione Internazionale tra Squilibri Globali e Crisi dei Contesti Locali 2024-03-23T10:00:24+01:00 Alessandra Sannella Andrea Salustri <p>The Sars-Cov2 syndemic has considerably exacerbated the disparities among countries and inequalities among people, leading to the first setback in implementing the 17 goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. International reports on global economic trends show an unprecedented acceleration of social and economic poverty in short to medium term. Forecasting exercises do not provide better prospects for the future. Based on these assumptions, this paper suggests some macro-themes against which to set up epistemological research to explain the rapid changes in the global economy.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) Le dinamiche della cooperazione sud-sud della Cina in America Latina nel XXI secolo 2024-03-23T10:00:09+01:00 Ada Celsa Cabrera Garcìa Eduardo Crivelli Minutti Giuseppe Lo Brutto <p>Nel XXI secolo, il governo cinese è stato in grado di consolidare partenariati strategici con la regione dell'America Latina, nell'ambito di un complesso asse politico che vede nella complementarità e nella cooperazione Sud-Sud gli elementi centrali di una strategia che aspira a integrare i Paesi in via di sviluppo nella crescita economica cinese. L'ipotesi avanzata da questo articolo è che la Cina contribuisce a sostenere i fragili equilibri politici, commerciali e finanziari latinoamericani. L'obiettivo dell’articolo è presentare una riflessione aggiornata sulle dinamiche della cooperazione Sud-Sud, strategica tra la Cina e l'America Latina nel XXI secolo.</p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) I Nuovi Equilibri della Cooperazione Internazionale: Politiche, Partenariati e Saperi oltre l’Asse Nord-Sud 2024-03-23T10:00:02+01:00 Valerio Bini Sara Caria Isabella Giunta <p>La sessione “I nuovi equilibri della cooperazione internazionale: politiche, partenariati e saperi oltre l’asse Nord-Sud”, tenutasi nella seconda giornata del VII Congresso Cucs, ha permesso un nutrito dialogo tra studiosi e studiose afferenti a università italiane e straniere, oltre che con rappresentanti di Ong. Questo testo è l’introduzione in tre sezioni dei contributi raccolti. La prima presenta gli obiettivi che hanno animato il dibattito, la seconda introduce tre interventi focalizzati su alcune delle trasformazioni in atto nel sistema della cooperazione internazionale (governance globale dell’agricoltura, dinamiche della cooperazione cinese e sfide in agenda a fronte degli squilibri globali e locali), mentre la terza evidenzia alcune questioni al centro del dibattito sulla cooperazione.</p> 2024-03-19T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) Il Summit delle Nazioni Unite sui Sistemi Alimentari nella Governance Globale dell’Agricoltura 2024-03-23T09:59:59+01:00 Mauro Conti <p>La 47esima assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite (1992) ha indicato il ruolo centrale del “policy dialogue” con le organizzazioni contadine nella definizione ed implementazione delle politiche di sviluppo rurale. Queste indicazioni sono state riprese dalla dichiarazione finale del Rio Earth Summit (1992). In questo quadro, la Fao ha approvato nuovi strumenti internazionali basati sui diritti collettivi alle risorse naturali. Nel 2021 è stato convocato il Summit delle Nazioni Unite sui Sistemi Alimentari (UNFSS) sovrascrivendo i processi partecipativi e multilaterali consolidati nei decenni precedenti, e promuovendo di fatto una contro-riforma del sistema di governance mondiale dell’agricoltura e delle risorse naturali.</p> 2024-03-19T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c)