Σάκας ὁ Μυσός. Per un profilo (pseudo)biografico del tragediografo Acestore (TrGF I2 25)


Vivian Navarro Martínez


The obscure tragic poet Acestor (TrGF I2 25) is mentioned in several texts from Old Comedy, where he is mainly described as a foreigner (Ar. Av. 31, Vesp. 1221; Call. Com. fr. 17 K./A. [Pedētai]; Theopomp. Com. fr. 61 K./A. [Teisamenos]; Metag. fr. 14 K./A. [Phylothytēs]), and also as a bad poet (Call. Com. fr. 17 K./A.; Cratin. fr. 92 K./A. [Kleoboulinai]). Despite the total loss of his poetic production, the approximate dating of the comic evidence allows us to establish that Acestor, known as “Sacas” and “Mysian”, was active at least in the last thirty years of the 5th century BC. The aim of this paper is to attempt to trace a general “biography” of the kōmōdoumenos, and to determine as far as possible which information is reliable and which is the product of comic invention.


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Come citare
Navarro Martínez, V. (2022). Σάκας ὁ Μυσός. Per un profilo (pseudo)biografico del tragediografo Acestore (TrGF I2 25). Frammenti Sulla Scena (online), 3(1), 72-98. https://doi.org/10.13135/2612-3908/8194
THE FORGOTTEN THEATRE IV/2021. Atti [edd. F.P. Bianchi, M. DePoli, A. Giannotti]