Sull’Alcesti di Frinico: analisi di Phryn. fr. 2 Snell/Kannicht

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Nicola Mancini


In light of Euripides’ Alcestis, Phrynichus' fr. 2 Sn.-Kann. has been traditionally interpreted as a choral description of the fight between Heracles and Thanatos. Other interpretations regard Pheres as exhausted by old age or, alternatively, Alcestis as worn out by Thanatos. Following a meticulous analysis of the fragment, I propose that the verb τείρει should be understood as a second person singular in the medio-passive voice (< τείρῃ) and offer two possible interpretations of the excerptum.


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Come citare
Mancini, N. (2024). Sull’Alcesti di Frinico: analisi di Phryn. fr. 2 Snell/Kannicht. Frammenti Sulla Scena (online), 1(4), 1–29.