Contro l’autoctonia

Il mare come metafora dell’ebraismo nel pensiero di Franz Rosenzweig

Parole chiave: Franz Rosenzweig, Judaism, Diasporic Thought, Nation-State, Star of Redemption


In this essay I analyze the role of the sea from historical, symbolic and eschatological perspectives in the thought of Franz Rosenzweig, who proposed a radical philosophy of the diaspora. I consider his historic-philosophical account of the opposition between land and sea in Globus and compare it with his theological-political analysis of Judaism in the Star of Redemption. I show how his conception of an uprooted Judaism coheres with his critique of the nation-state, already developed during the war years. I spell out the metaphoric significance that the sea has in Rosenzweig’s Globus in order to illuminate the complex relationship between state and diaspora, history and eternity.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare
Pisano, L. (2022). Contro l’autoctonia: Il mare come metafora dell’ebraismo nel pensiero di Franz Rosenzweig. Filosofia, (67), 85-99.