Notules sur l’aridité de la philosophie
There is no philosophy without a radical detachment from consensual tenets, i.e. without an hard ascesis that throws us in an atopic and “desert” place, where everything is submitted to “disidentification” and so can revive: the paradoxical place of thought. Now, in its rigorous discipline, put differently, the pure exercise of its own operations, thought doesn’t give assent to anything positive. That means: it doesn’t come to the final and definitive state of the work, unless falling again into which it tries at any rate to avoid, namely the position that doesn’t question itself any more. But thought doesn’t even do without the disquieting concurrence of an Excedens, which is at the same time a goad and a fatal interference. It follows that philosophy expresses itself discontinuously, by conjectures and sober outlines.
Riferimenti bibliografici
G. Agamben, La communauté qui vient. Théorie de la singularité quelconque (1990), tr. fr. par M. Raiola, Paris, Seuil, 1990.
Aristote, notamment Métaphysique, Γ, 1.
G. Colli, Filosofi sovrumani, Milano, Adelphi, 2009.
G. Deleuze, Qu’est-ce que la philosophie?, Paris, Minuit, 1991.
Les Présocratiques, éd. établie par J.-P. Dumont, t. 1, Paris, Gallimard (Pléiade), 1988.
E. Lévinas, Totalité et infini, La Haye, Nijhoff, 1961, p. XVIII.
E. Lévinas, Autrement qu’être ou au-delà de l’essence, La Haye, Nijhoff, 1974.
G. W. F. Hegel, Phénoménologie de l’Esprit, tr. fr. par J. Hyppolite, t. 2, Paris, Aubier, 1941.
F. Hölderlin, Remarques sur Œdipe, in Œuvres, sous la dir. de Ph. Jaccottet, Paris, Gallimard (Pléiade), 1967.
J.-F. Lyotard, Misère de la philosophie, Paris, Galilée, 2000.
I. Kant Critique de la raison pure, tr. fr. par A. Renaut, Paris, GF-Flammarion, 2001.
V. Mathieu, Limitazione qualitativa della conoscenza umana. Schizzo di una teoria, Torino, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Torino, 1949.
Marc Aurèle, Pensées, IX, 28-30.
L. Pareyson, Ontologia della libertà, Torino, Einaudi, 1995.
Platon, Banquet.
Platon, Phèdre.
Plotin, Ennéades, VI, 33.
B. Spinoza, Éthique, IV, scolie de la proposition 35, tr. fr. par B. Pautrat, Paris, Points, 2014.
P. Valéry, Cahiers, t. 2, Paris, Gallimard, 1974.
L. Wittgenstein, Carnets de Cambridge et de Skjolden, tr. fr. par J.-P. Cometti, Paris, PUF, 1999.
L. Wittgenstein, Recherches philosophiques, tr. fr. par F. Dastur, M. Elie, J.-L. Gautero, D. Janicaud, E. Rigal, Paris, Gallimard, 2004.
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