Orwell e 1984 oggi: genialità e paraocchi
Orwell e 1984 oggi: genialità e paraocchi
Riferimenti bibliografici
Sezione 1
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Sezione 2
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Rees, Richard. George Orwell: Fugitive from the Camp of Victory. S. Illinois UP, 1961.
Ricoeur, Paul. Interpretation Theory: Discourse and the Surplus of Meaning. Texas Christian UP, 1976.
Rose, Jonathan. “Englands His Englands,” in J. Rodden ed., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, 28-42.
Sanderson, Richard K. “The Two Narrators and Happy Ending of Nineteen Eighty-Four.” Modern Fiction Studies 34.4 (1988): 587-95.
Suvin, Darko. “15 Theses about Communism and Yugoslavia, or The Two-Headed Janus of
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Williams, Raymond. “Afterword: Nineteen Eighty-Four in 1984,” in Orwell. Fontana, 1984, 95-126 [indicato con W-A con il numero di pagina].
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Sezione 3
Bloch, Ernst. Das Prinzip Hoffnung, 2 Vols. Suhrkamp, 1959.
Crick, Bernard. “Nineteen Eighty Four: Context and Controversy,” in J. Rodden ed. [si veda in Rose, Sezione 2], 160-78.
Geyer, Michael, and Sheila Fitzpatrick eds. Beyond Totalitarianism: Stalinism and Nazism Compared. Cambridge UP, 2009.
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Sargent, Lyman T. “The Three Faces of Utopianism Revisited.” Utopian Studies 5.1 (1994): 1-37.
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