Artifara 2024-06-30T10:07:21+02:00 Guillermo Carrascón Open Journal Systems <p>Rivista online di Lingue e Letterature Iberiche e Latinoamericane</p> <p><strong><a href="">Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici</a> · <a href="">Università di Torino</a></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> David Viñas profesor 2024-04-06T10:01:07+02:00 Juan Pablo Canala <p>Il presente articolo si propone di studiare i processi di istituzionalizzazione della figura di David Viñas presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Buenos Aires, a partire dall'esumazione delle sue classi di Letteratura Argentina I (1986-1994)- inteso come spazio pedagogico, come istanza di riflessione collettiva, di rinnovamento degli strumenti teorici e di una messa in funzione e aggiornamento di letture critiche già esplorate nelle sue prove. Si parte dall'ipotesi che i suoi saggi degli anni '90 non possano essere pensati al di fuori del debito di quell'esperienza istituzionale che coniuga i riadattamenti di una pratica critica presente nelle sue classi e che ha un impatto sul suo discorso saggistico.</p> 2024-04-05T16:04:39+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Pablo Canala Un extraño individuo que no dudo que sea un trozo de mí 2024-05-02T10:02:43+02:00 Lucia Chiosso <p>This contribution aims to demonstrate how the evident coincidences between the figure of the writer Félix Francisco Casanova and that of the main character of his novel <em>El don de Vorace</em> are not to be exclusively imputed to a shared biographical background, but also to the specific features of their shared idiolect. Likewise, the absolute exclusivity and preponderance of that idiolect in the development of the narration will be highlighted. For this purpose, the article will analyse the convergences between private and literary writing in the works of Casanova, as well as the lack of a solid dialogical dimension in the novel, the frequent fluctuations of the register peculiar to the author’s literary style, and finally the central role of the intertextual dimension in his writing.</p> 2024-05-01T20:34:35+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lucia Chiosso Un estudio experimental sobre el lenguaje inclusivo: los efectos cognitivos de @ y e sobre el procesamiento 2024-05-23T10:04:33+02:00 Laura Nadal <p>Inclusive language is part of a social demand to make women or people of non-binary gender visible in discourse. Various spellings are proposed to replace the traditional gender morphemes and avoid the use of the masculine plural as unmarked gender, which is not always interpreted in an inclusive sense. However, innovations in gender marking have cognitive effects during reading. This is demonstrated in the present reasearch through a self-sequenced reading experiment with eyetracking conducted with 88 native Spanish speakers. The results support previous studies with reaction times and provide greater precision on the areas of the utterance and reading phases where increased processing costs occur.</p> <p>El lenguaje inclusivo forma parte de una reivindicación social en la que se pretende visibilizar a la mujer o a personas de género no binario en el discurso. Diversas grafías se proponen para sustituir a los tradicionales morfemas de género y evitar el uso del masculino plural como género no marcado, que no siempre se interpreta en un sentido incluyente. Sin embargo, las innovaciones en la marcación de género tienen efectos cognitivos durante la lectura. Esto es lo que demuestra la presente investigación a partir de un experimento de lectura autosecuenciada con <em>eyetracking</em> llevado a cabo con 88 hablantes nativos de español. Los resultados sustentan estudios anteriores con tiempos de reacción y aportan mayor precisión sobre las áreas del enunciado y las fases de lectura en las que se produce el aumento de los costes de procesamiento.</p> 2024-05-22T19:45:26+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Laura Nadal Manifestos da Literatura Marginal-Periférica no Brasil 2024-05-24T10:04:28+02:00 Ricardo José dos Santos Neto <p>Riepilogo<br>I manifesti svolgono un ruolo importante nell'esporre un certo problema, insoddisfazioni e mettere all'ordine del giorno le richieste e le rivendicazioni di determinati gruppi nella società. Storicamente, abbiamo visto i manifesti svolgere un ruolo importante in prima linea nei movimenti politici e artistici. Alla luce di queste attribuzioni, riteniamo importante analizzare i manifesti della Letteratura Marginale-Periferica. L'articolo si propone di discutere i temi rivendicati da settori periferici in campo artistico e letterario attraverso i manifesti pubblicati da Ferréz e Sérgio Vaz. Si cerca di mostrare la pertinenza della Letteratura Marginale-Periferica, in quanto inerente alla discussione di temi cari alla scena letteraria contemporanea, come, ad esempio, la rivendicazione di spazi per i gruppi emarginati, la rappresentatività e l'alterità.<br>Parole chiave: manifesti. Letteratura marginale-periferica. Spazi in letteratura. Sergio Vaz. Ferrez.</p> 2024-05-23T11:48:38+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ricardo José dos Santos Neto Espanol 2024-05-31T16:34:27+02:00 Lucy Bell <p>This article offers a re-reading of Selva Almada’s <em>Chicas muertas</em> (2014) from a perspective that has been overlooked across most of the critical corpus on the work: the political context in which the three feminicides investigated by the author in the narrative took place, that of the transition to democracy in Argentina in the 1980s. The following two questions are addressed: How does Selva Almada problematize the discourse of democracy that prevails in the post-dictatorship Argentinean period in which the text is set? And how do the content and form of her narrative (the theme of feminicide and the process of writing-investigation) point towards alternative political forms to Western “liberal democracy? Through an analysis of Selva Almada’s narrative in dialogue with the decolonial feminist theories of Rita Segato, María Lugones, Breny Mendoza, Sara Ahmed and Mario Blaser among others, we read <em>Chicas muertas</em> as part of a growing wave of feminist literature that plots for “a different transition” (Mendoza 2009).</p> 2024-05-30T00:27:40+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lucy Bell The Compositio in Quevedo's Pastoral Poetry 2024-06-04T10:05:17+02:00 Samuel Parada Juncal <p>This article aims to study the syntax of style in Quevedo’s pastoral poetry, perhaps the most ignored aspect of elocution in modern criticism. To do so, I will use a relatively wide textual set that will allow us to make different approaches to the three main types of <em>compositio</em>: the loose style, the period of members and the circular period. The examination of this facet will help to unravel the complex poetic tangle of Quevedo’s verses, as well as to better interpret their structure in the lyrical discourse, through the different meters and strophes that make up his bucolic poetry.</p> 2024-06-03T16:35:10+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Samuel Parada Juncal Retrodigitalizar diccionarios antiguos entre teoría y práctica. Estudio preliminar del Vocabulario de las dos lenguas toscana y castellana 2024-06-05T10:05:18+02:00 Giulia Nalesso <p style="font-weight: 400;">REVALSI is a bilingual lexicographic historiography project aimed at developing a protocol for the retro-digitization of a corpus of Spanish-Italian lexicographical works published since their origins as far as we know in this context until the mid-20<sup>th</sup> century, which we intend to make digitally accessible. This paper will be focused on illustrating our methodological framework for the retro-digitization of the corpus, that is, the necessary steps for the creation of a model that will allow the training of the software and of an ontology of the knowledge contained in the texts and related to them. We present the first object of study, the <em>Vocabulario de las dos lenguas toscana y castellana</em> by Cristóbal de Las Casas, whose first edition appeared in Seville in 1570, as it is the first printed bilingual dictionary of Spanish with another vulgar language. The result will be an open access online portal providing a high-quality digital version of the texts with interactive search possibilities.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-04T16:14:38+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Giulia Nalesso El primer prólogo de un prologuista excepcional: La Galatea (1585) de Miguel de Cervantes 2024-06-17T18:17:28+02:00 Juan Ramón Muñoz Sánchez <p><strong>Resumen</strong></p> <p>El presente estudio tiene por objeto analizar el prólogo de <em>La Galatea </em>(1585), tras repasar la trayectoria de Cervantes como escritor total y situarlo en el seno de su escritura del “yo”.</p> <p><strong>Palabras clave</strong>: Miguel de Cervantes, escritor total, prólogo, paratexto, <em>La Galatea</em></p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong>:</p> <p>The purpose of this study is to analyse the prologue of La Galatea (1585), after reviewing Cervantes' career as a total writer and placing it within his writing of the “self”.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Miguel de Cervantes, total writer, prologue, paratext, <em>La Galatea</em></p> 2024-06-15T13:17:29+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Ramón Muñoz Sánchez Introduzione allo studio dei contenuti testuali nei prodotti audiovisuali: il caso di La Valla 2024-06-18T10:06:32+02:00 Alex Borio <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Il presente articolo propone un'analisi delle funzioni che assumono i segnali scritti nel primo episodio della serie tv <em>La Valla</em>. In un contesto audiovisuale in cui la dinamicità delle immagini caratterizza le strategie narrative, il presente studio si focalizza sulla valenza semiotica dell'elemento scritto che, nella propria staticità, colma lacune di significato e condiziona direttamente lo svolgimento dell'azione, soprattutto in relazione al linguaggio dittatoriale-distopico che caratterizza <em>La Valla</em>.</p> 2024-06-17T12:09:15+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alex Borio Español 2024-06-30T10:07:21+02:00 Maria Maffei <p>This article deepens the relation between <em>locus amoenus</em> and <em>locus horridus</em> in the representation of space within Manuel Álvarez Ortega’s poetry, as they mirror the signs left by the tragic events of his experience. The idyllic landscape connected with the joyful past that now lives in memories appears more than once, however, the <em>locus horridus</em> representing the apocalyptic vision and reality seems inseparable from it. Both the spaces’ sterility and the symbolic characters that inhabit this unreal world depict an intertextual relationship with T. S. Eliot. It will be proposed a comparative analysis between the Spanish author and Thomas Stearns Eliot through a series of textual examples.</p> 2024-06-29T23:24:29+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Maffei Giuseppe Trovato, El comentario lingüístico-traductológico entre lenguas tipológicamente afines (español > italiano) 2024-04-06T10:01:04+02:00 Valentina Tomassini <p>La presente recensione intende sottolineare la novità del recente manuale di&nbsp;Giuseppe Trovato, <em>El comentario lingüístico-traductológico entre lenguas tipológicamente afines (español &gt; italiano</em><em>)</em>, Granada, Editorial Comares, 2022, il quale, per la prima volta introduce il tema della traduzione specialistica a partire dall'innovativo strumento del commento linguistico-traduttologico, con particolare riferimento alla comparazione tra due lingue affini come lo spagnolo e l'italiano. Di fatto, si tratta di uno dei pochi volumi in grado di offrire una sistematizzazione puntuale delle difficoltà che riguardano il processo traduttivo tra le due lingue in gioco e, pertanto, si configura come una valida guida &nbsp;per chi inizia ad accostarsi al complesso mondo della traduzione.&nbsp;</p> 2024-04-05T17:56:14+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Valentina Tomassini Juan Mayorga, Ellissi. Saggi 1990-2022, a cura di Enrico di Pastena 2024-04-06T10:01:02+02:00 Veronica Orazi <p>Reseña de: Juan Mayorga, <em>Ellissi. Saggi 1990-2022</em>, a cura di Enrico di Pastena, Imola, Cue Press, 2023, 293 pp. ISBN 978-8855103077</p> 2024-04-06T00:02:45+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Veronica Orazi ‘Cinicabron’ and ‘zaguazo’, two ancient bionyms from the province of Seville (SW Spain) 2024-06-01T10:05:04+02:00 José Luis Medina Gavilán <p>In this note, I report the existence of a rare zoonym and phytonym from southwestern Spain, ‘cinicabron’ and ‘zaguazo’ respectively, both being unknown and apparently exclusive to the province of Seville (western Andalusia). About ‘cinicabron’, which has been traditionally used to identify the wild wasp <em>Megascolia maculata flavifrons</em> (‘mammoth wasp’), I propose that it could be an ancient word derived from the contraction of the Latin locution ‘cinis crabro’ (‘ash wasp’). On the other hand, ‘zaguazo’ has been coined to describe several woody species typically inhabiting Mediterranean shrublands, belonging to the genus <em>Cistus</em>. This word represents an intermediate stage from the primitive Romandalusian ‘saqwas’ to the Castilian ‘jaguarzo’.</p> 2024-06-01T00:43:42+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 José Luis Medina Gavilán