Rivista di Storia dell'Università di Torino https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/RSUT <p>The "Rivista di Storia dell'Università di Torino" has been founded in 2012 with the aim to publish high quality, original research works, by scholars of different fields of specialization, based on well established, as on emerging lines of interdisciplinary historical research on Turin University from its foundation in 1404 to 20th century, on its professors, assistants, students, &nbsp;...; on their relationships with national and international colleagues and Institutions; on the role played in research, teaching, education and cultural training.</p> it-IT clarasilvia.roero@unito.it (Clara Silvia Roero) alessandro.leccese@unito.it (Alessandro Leccese) Fri, 19 Jan 2024 09:15:07 +0100 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Le risorse per i salari dei professori nel primo secolo di attività dell’Università di Torino - The resources for professor salaries in the first century of the University of Turin’s activity https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/RSUT/article/view/9391 <p>The essay analyzes the forms of funding for the salaries of professors at the University of Turin from its establishment to the French occupation of the city in 1536. It also references other indirect sources of income that supplemented the salaries, such as the tax privileges and exemptions traditionally granted to professors. The strong interventions of the seigneurial power (Prince Ludovic of Achaea and, from 1418, Savoy dukes), aimed at involving the city of Turin and the Principatus in financing are highlighted. Initially, this was accomplished through the imposition of extraordinary subsidies, and from 1424 onwards, through a regular tax. Finally, in 1441, this tax was replaced by a ducal contribution and a subsidy provided by the Commune of Turin. The revenue sources allocated to the University by the cities that hosted the institution (Turin, and for some years, Chieri and Savigliano) are presented here through an analysis of surviving financial records of the Commune.</p> Paolo Rosso Copyright (c) https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/RSUT/article/view/9391 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Il carteggio fra Enrico Betti e Quintino Sella 1861-1883 - The correspondence between Enrico Betti and Quintino Sella 1861-1883 https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/RSUT/article/view/9772 <p>This paper focus on the relationships between the mathematician Enrico Betti (1823-1892) and the statesman and scientist Quintino Sella (1827-1884) in the crucial period of Italy’s unification. They shared the same cosmopolitan conception of science that they embraced during their yourneys abroad. Their aims were the promotion of Italian science to the highest degree of development in Europe, the creation of a national scientific community, the establishment of public schools to improve the cultural preparation of the new generations, the organization of scholarships and prizers to encourage research, the foundations of specialized periodicals and the proceedings of scientific societies.</p> Clara Silvia Roero Copyright (c) https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/RSUT/article/view/9772 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Dal servizio alla battaglia: il giornale universitario «Ateneo» dal secondo dopoguerra alle contestazioni studentesche - From Service to Battle: the University Newspaper «Ateneo» from 1949 to 1968 https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/RSUT/article/view/9392 <p>The essay aims to showcase the digitization project of the university newspaper «Ateneo», published from 1949 to 1968, describing its development and the technical solutions adopted using Omeka, chosen for its flexibility and ease of use. The article gives the opportunity to provide an overview of the history of the newspaper and its role in the student community of the University of Turin during those years, analyzing the different stages of its evolution (from a pioneering phase to a role as a platform for student activism and intellectual debate) and highlighting the challenges it faced, such as financial difficulties and political pressure. Making the newspaper available online allows to rediscover an important source for understanding the changes that occurred in the student organizations and led to the massive protests of the late ’60s.</p> Alessandro Leccese, Paola Novaria, Milena Penno Copyright (c) https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/RSUT/article/view/9392 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Da S. Cognetti de Martiis a L. Einaudi. L'eredità del Laboratorio di Economia Politica nelle collezioni della Biblioteca N. Bobbio - From S. Cognetti de Martiis to L. Einaudi. The heritage of the Laboratory of Political Economy in the Bobbio Library https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/RSUT/article/view/9393 <p>The exhibition is dedicated to an important institution of the University of Turin, the Laboratory of Political Economy, founded one hundred and thirty years ago, in 1893, by Salvatore Cognetti de Martiis, and headed by Luigi Einaudi from 1900. The exhibition traces the history of this institution in its golden age, the one characterized by the presence, as leaders, of Cognetti and Einaudi, who were the main exponents of a school, the Turin School of Economics, that was an important expression of that season of Italian economic thought.</p> Cristina Cavallaro, Roberto Marchionatti Copyright (c) https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/RSUT/article/view/9393 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0100