Un viaggio del Gaddus

Documenti inediti sulla storia editoriale de “L’affreux pastis de la rue des Merles”

  • Matteo Bafico Università di Torino
Parole chiave: Carlo Emilio Gadda, François Wahl, Louis Bonalumi, L’affreux pastis de la rue des Merles, Editorial Philology


The paper, based on unpublished private documents, aims to reconstruct the editorial history of the French translation of Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana. The reconstruction was carried out starting from the letters Gadda, François Wahl and Louis Bonalumi exchanged between 1958 and 1963: the study of these has allowed us to open a glimpse of the complex work that was carried out for five years around the Pasticciaccio and which was at the origin of the engineer’s French fortune. The final aim of this article is, on the one hand, to bring to light and study archival sources of extraordinary value and, on the other, to provide new elements on the translation and diffusion of Carlo Emilio Gadda’s work in France.


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